Monday, August 04, 2008

Joe and Keira

Joe and Keira are looking at you. Well, actually it is just dots. Joe and Keira are in Florida. They probably do not even know you are looking at them.

This was supposed to be funnier. It is not.


Scott said...

Daler, I like this a lot, including the black and white.

Anonymous said...

Daler, very nice, including the black and white.

Scott said...

Daler, I like this much, especially the black and white. Now if I could just figure out how to publish this fucking comment.

Scott said...

I do not like blog-owner censorship. What's more, you don't look like a Republican. With your promised-only free speech and false advertising, you belong on Fox's "The Fuctor."

Scott said...

Woops. This Scott character is a dumbass.

Dale Hankins said...

No. Scott is not a dumb ass. He is a very dear friend of mine and don't you forget it!