Thursday, November 29, 2007

Strange Image from My Point of View

This image is strange. I mean it no offense by calling it so. I also am strange. But then strangeness depends on one's point of view I guess. I once had a point of view. I cherished it deeply. Then one day my point of view poked me in the eye. We parted ways after that. I have not heard from it for some time. Rumor has it that my point of view migrated to Rio De Janeiro and learned Portuguese. I have no way of verifying that fact. If you happen to encounter my point of view someday, please let it know that I wish it well in its new life.

Friday, November 16, 2007

I Sing (Poorly)

A friend challenged me to sing the British national anthem, "God Save The Queen". Foolishly, I accepted the challenge. Apologies to music lovers around the world, and to all my British friends.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Bill's Fly

This fly is out of perspective for the size of the table. It is much too large. In order to match the perspective of the fly the table would have to be larger than a city block. My ego is much like the fly.

Blue Lamp

This is a picture of a lamp. Trust me.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Scenes From The Mall

I spend a lot of time at a place called Uptown Bill's Small Mall. Uptown Bill's is a place that helps people with disabilities. It helps them start and run their own businesses and it gives them a safe place to just "be". We even let "normal" people come in - as long as they buy something! ;-)

These are some of the people who hang out at the Mall with me. Apologies to long time viewers of my blog for the repetition.

Dr. Tom

Here is Dr. Tom Walz, former Dean and current Professor Emeritus of the University of Iowa School of Social Work. He is the founder of the Mall. Our lives would be very much poorer without him. All of us love him very much. He loves himself very much as well.

Miss Dorothy

This is Miss Dorothy. She keeps Dr. Tom in line. At least she tries too. Here she is holding up her keys. I know it is difficult to "see" the keys. Dorothy uses her key chain to store all the dozens of "momentos" and toys that she has collected over the years. Trust me, there are keys in there somewhere.

Close up of Dorothy's key chain.

Happy Lynn

This is Lynn Borders. She opens the Mall and runs it Monday through Friday from 7 - 10 a.m. She often plays a brain-teaser game. She says it helps her keep her mind agile and quick. Perhaps I should play the brain-teaser game. But then what would I do if my mind were agile and quick? The shock might be too much for my system.

Boppin' Bob

Here's my friend Bob. He works at the Mall many times throughout the week. He is kind, friendly, and has a great sense of humor. He's a good role model. I have a pretty good sense of humor but I am not always good at the kind and friendly part. Oh well. I will have to make up the gap with my good looks and great singing voice.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Dave's Chair

Chair At Dave's Restaurant

This is the seat of a chair outside of Dave's Restaurant at the corner of Linn St. and Iowa Avenue in Iowa City, Iowa, Zip Code 52333, United States of America, Planet Earth, Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy. It waits patiently for the bottom of a person interested in eating Ethiopian cuisine. It is very clean.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Blue Brains

Some people said they thought this was a self portrait. I was insulted. This fellow has no mouth. I have a mouth. Besides that his brains are blue.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

A Jarring Picture

Someone said that this picture was "jarring". I suppose it is jarring. It also is very colorful. Children, let us focus on the colors. That way we can be saved.


My scanner named this picture "IMG009". I cannot tell if this name stands for "Image Number 9", or if it stands for "I'm GOO 9". I do not understand the name. That is okay. I do not understand the image either.

Coffee Lid

This began as a lid on a cup that held a special coffee that I had never tasted before. The light bounced off the lid. It went through my eyes to my brain. My armed jiggled and this is the result. I am not sure that special coffee is healthy for me.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Secret of Love

Larry burst into flames when he found the secret of true love. This phenomena has happened to me many times. You would think that my skin would be very tan from all the fires rather than pasty white. Luckily I remembered to wear suntan lotion. I recommend something with a SPF rating of 20-30, depending on the intensity of the romance.

Iowa City Street

I am in Iowa City. These are pieces of Iowa City I saw from Tate's Coffee shop across from the Iowa City Library. It is not unusual for me to see things in pieces. Integration is difficult for me.


Parthenids inspired this picture. I do not know who the Parthenids are...but their taste in art is questionable. I shall do my best to resist their inspiration in the future.

Pieces of Starbucks

This image came from a triple venti no-whip Mocha (TVNWM). Too many TVNWMs can cause brain damage. I am planning a class action suit. Email me if you suffer from TVNWM-itis.

Too Much Coffee Again

When I created this picture it made sense to me.

Now it does not.

The picture will have to find its own meaning.

It will have to become an existentialist.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Strange Trees

These trees are facsimiles. It is a rare breed of trees. They are not very viable.

Monday, May 14, 2007

High Society

This lady does not look happy. I don't know why. All she has to do is to lay around all day. I mean after all, how hard a life is it to be a picture? She had better behave or else I will erase her.

Friday, May 11, 2007


I have no idea why I created this. Boredom is a source of strange creations. Perhaps you will be bored enough to click on image, view a larger version and read what I have written on the drawing. Perhaps not. In either case I am too bored to care. I will go take a nap now.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Man In Plaza

This picture appeared to me while sitting in a coffee shop. I did not ask for it. It just came. Sometimes pictures are very forward...pushy even.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

On The Nature of Cats

This picture is about the nature of cats. The caption reads:

Soon the cats will come,
On their tiny little feet.
They will lick their bottoms.
It will not be pleasant.

At the top are three cats. The last one is saying, "Why am I always the last one?" The first one, on the peak of the line, is saying, "Meow."

Why these cats are saying these things I do not know. They did not ask for advice. They did not even ask for permission to speak. I think they are rude little beasties. Don't you?

My friend, Scott Parker has suggested an alternative version of the poem that I like much better:
Soon the cats will come,
On their tiny little feet.
They will lick their bottoms.
For tasty little treats.

Unfortunately, the cats have hidden the picture. I cannot change it. Pesky cats!

Thursday, April 19, 2007


This picture is not finished. At least that is what I thought when I looked at it months ago when I put it aside. The other day when I saw it was finished. It seems to have a mind of its own.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Domo Arigato Japan

I made this picture while thinking of my visit to Japan. I met some very kind people while I was there. I do not know why the Japanese lady is leaning to the left in my picture. Maybe she is confused by the purple sky behind her head.

Saturday, March 10, 2007


Maybe I had too much coffee. This morning I feel like bursting from my skin. I am fairly certain that this would be unpleasant. I will wait until tomorrow.

Friday, January 26, 2007

INDIA Day 1 Mumbai

Hey everybody. I am in India. Here is my first video. More to come.